Monday, October 24, 2011

weekend highlights

The past weekend was about getting shots, lots of food and zombies.

On Saturday I went to see my gyne so I could have my last shot of HepB and Gardasil. I left Ziv and ze hubby home because I didn't want to disrupt Ziv's napping schedule. Besides, I wanted to spend some time on my own, to take a breather, if you will.

So. At the gyne. As usual, my appointment was at 9-10am, but I was called in at around 11:30. Before giving me my shots, Dr. Ang gave me copies of my medical reports. One was for the pap smear, which was negative for any "intraepithelial lesion or malignancy." Even before mommy passed away of cervical cancer, I made it a point to get a pap smear annually. One can never be too careful when it comes to health.

The other paper my doctor handed me was a histopathology report. She told me she removed a cyst from my left fallopian tube when she performed the C-section. I was taken aback by this information, even thought she's reading someone else's report because she failed to mention this to me when I was still in the hospital and neither did she say anything in the two instances that I went back to her clinic. *Rolls eyes* But I was relieved when she told me the cyst was benign. That's what matters.

She then gave me a sermon about my weight. She said I should be losing weight, not gaining. According to her records, I gained 4kg since I gave birth to Ziv. Well, I've been eating like a breastfeeding mother so I'm not surprised. Haha. The doctor told me to cut my carbs. " I know you Filipinos eat rice for breakfast," she said. I told her yeah that's true but sometimes we eat wholemeal bread and oatmeal too!

Then I get my shots. Dr. Ang told me to give her my left arm. So I did. She nonchalantly poked me with the syringe, then I feel the viscous liquid penetrate my flesh. Ouch. It was painful! I don't know why but she got the idea to check my blood pressure.

She said, "Your blood pressure is still high you know." I thought, "I just got a shot lady. I think my BP's supposed to be high (due to the pain)" but I just told her I periodically check my BP at home and it's always normal. Optimal actually. She doesn't seem to believe me. She told me I had to go back to the waiting room because her nurse was still getting the Gardasil shot.

One patient later, I went back in. I get my Gardasil shot, also on my left arm. It burned when it went in. And it hurt for a while. But I was happy it was all over. Once I get out of this clinic, I don't have to go back. Ever. I'm done with overpriced expensive medical care.

From the clinic, I went to Wisma Atria at Orchard Road so I can have my lunch. I went up to the Food Republic and ate Korean chicken barbecue. It's one of my most favorite meals to eat in Singapore! I was tempted to order a serving of chapchae but I held back. That would be too much food for one person who needs to cut carbs.
Korean chicken barbecue for lunch, and Starbucks for dessert!
After lunch, I went to Starbucks. Ze hubby told me to treat myself and this was it. I ordered a tall caramel macchiato and a blueberry muffin. I drink coffee everyday but to drink it leisurely, with a muffin and while reading a book? That's a luxury. I lingered there for a while, and relished my time alone until it was time to go home. And I was happy to get back to my boys. I missed them! 

They were both napping when I arrived. I was so glad they were both okay. Ze hubby managed succeeded in taking care of Ziv on his own, and Ziv was a happy baby. No one was hurt! Haha. That afternoon, we walked a couple of blocks down to have dimsum for meryenda then stopped by the grocery store to buy some cook-ables. I cooked pork bistek and pinakbet for dinner while dada ended Daddy Care Day by giving Ziv a bath, reading to him, feeding him and putting him to bed.

Ze hubby giving Ziv a bath
The following day, we were too lazy to get our asses out so we stayed in. Ze hubby and I had a The Walking Dead marathon, all of season one and episode one of season two. I'm duwag so when I saw the promo for the series, I knew I wouldn't want to watch it. But ze hubby's interest piqued my curiosity. So when he said he downloaded all of season one, I decided to watch. The show's really well made. I was impressed with the cinematography and I found the writing solid. The acting is good too.  

Ziv eating his puffs; glutinous rice balls and yam paste; black carrot cake; soya milk
 After finishing five episodes, we decided to take a walk and have meryenda at the nearby market. We had glutinous rice balls and yam paste first, but since parang bitin we had black carrot cake. This carrot cake is not a cake and doesn't have carrot. It is actually made of steamed radish and flour batter, and is stir-fried in dark sweet sauce. We knocked them down with cold soya milk. Yum! All this while Ziv snacked on Gerber Graduates Puffs. He loves those!

And that's how we spent our weekend. :)

1 comment:

Reden said...

You should always treat yourself and take a break, Mommy. I'll always be happy to take care of Ziv <3