Friday, October 14, 2011

letting go

Source: None via Jelle on Pinterest

We've managed to sell a couple of Ziv's used and outgrown things in the past couple of days. I was quite sentimental when Ziv's onesies were sold. It has only been a while since he started wearing those and now we're letting them go. My son is growing--too fast! That reality just hit me and I couldn't help but get a bit emotional about it. I've donated his side-tie tops too, which he wore during his first few weeks, when he was too tiny for anything. I kept just one, for posterity. I might frame and hang it.

We've still a lot to sell, such as the swing, the infant seat, a rocker he never used and other too-small stuff. A part of me wants to get rid of all these so we can free up some space, but another part of me wants to hold on to them. It's too early, but we're pretty sure we don't want Ziv to be an only child. So imagine, if we still had all these when baby number 2 comes, we don't need to buy anything! Tipid!

If you have been reading my blog, you probably know that pregnancy didn't come easy for me. Aside from the difficulty in conceiving, I now have to consider my risk of developing preeclampsia again. Although I've read that a "repeat occurrence is often milder," I am still worried. We're lucky Ziv made it to 37 weeks without any complications, except low birth weight. But what if baby number 2 won't be as lucky? What if I deliver prematurely? Or what if I get seizures or a stroke?

But I'm getting way ahead of myself. I know we should just take this one day at a time. If we're blessed to have another baby, then we'll accept it with gratitude. Right now, it's more practical to let go--of things outgrown and a future uncertain.

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