Wednesday, January 5, 2011

new year cleanup

A few weeks ago, I cleared my closet of clothes, bags and shoes I haven't used for a while and rid our bedside table of books I've been meaning to read but haven't, packed them all in a box and sent them to the Philippines. The other day I deleted all e-mails I received and sent in 2009, then today I unsubscribed from the newsletters I receive almost daily, mostly from job sites. I also just removed a stack of old InStyle, Simply Her, Shape and various airline magazines from the cabinet in the living room and from my magazine holder here in the bedroom.

I wonder why I've kept my stuff for so long. I guess, even if I'm sort of zen about life and have read Eckhart Tolle and listened to Oprah, I still get a sense of security in holding on to stuff. Life is just so unpredictable after all you'll never know when you're gonna need your outdated magazines or when that size 10 dress will fit you again, right? But who am I kidding? All I'm really getting are dust and cobwebs and limited storage space.  

And so I clean. I purge. The new year is just the perfect time to do these things. Besides, we're scheduled to move house at the end of February. The baby's coming soon too and we need to make room for him.   

It feels to let go of stuff. It's liberating, and life just feels lighter and seems more spacious when there is no clutter or anything unnecessary in your midst. Letting go allows us "to finally turn the page, the entire page, not just dog-ear it, and move on," as The Universe told me today.

So this year, I resolve to streamline my life. No more clutter. Buy only what I need and will actually use instead of buying impulsively. Borrow things that can be borrowed, like books and magazines. And in general, to just stick with the basics. 

Here's to a clutter-free 2011. 

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