Sunday, September 18, 2011

time flies when you're...

A) busy, B) having fun, C) raising a kid, D) all of the above.

My answer's definitely letter D!

It's been a week since all three of us have been back in Singapore. It feels like a month already!

Ziv did well on the trip back. He slept during half of the flight and contentedly played on my lap until we landed in Changi. He didn't resist his bottles too, taking them while we were taking off and landing, so I can say I have successfully prevented ear pain. He was a good boy, probably the only baby who didn't fuss during the three-hour flight.

Those three weeks in San Pablo sure passed by real quickly! I already miss my family. Aside from having the laundry and the cooking done for us, I miss constantly having adults to talk to. Back home my brothers and my aunt were always there to keep me company, and my dad and sister were there when they weren't at work. There was no shortage of conversation. Here, it's just me and Ziv during the day and obviously, the boy can't talk yet so our conversations consist of me talking and Ziv babbling or shouting or fussing. Haha.

Food gets everywhere except his mouth!
We celebrated Ziv's sixth month birthday last September 7. He's grown so much! He can do full push-ups now and I think he's getting ready to crawl. He's always pushing his butt up but still haven't figured out that he has push his torso up as well, so his primary mode of getting from point A to point B is by rolling. The boy's really active!

He can sit for a while without support, and I've started feeding him solids. So far he has already tried rice cereal, sweet potatoes and banana. He loves mashed banana the most. I've also introduced him to water, which he's so fascinated about.

We already have a pile of Ziv's newborn clothes ready to either be kept in storage or given away. His small Avent bottles have also been decommissioned and are now taking up valuable space in our kitchen cabinet. I still haven't decided what to do with all his stuff.

Reden is 30!
Last Friday was my dear husband's birthday. Right after taking Ziv for his second shot of pneumococcal vaccine and after Reden's dental appointment, we headed to the mall to have sushi for lunch. We rushed through the meal because Ziv was already getting fussy. He was tired and needed to nap so we went home immediately. On the cab, Reden and I reminisced about our pre-baby days, when we would spend the entire day hanging at the mall. I'm not sure if I miss those days. I'm okay with staying at home. Besides, Ziv is kawawa when we deprive him of proper sleep.

And I'm also still catching up with housework. I've been doing laundry for a week already and I'm still not done! Things just pile up when you go on vacation and it takes a whiiiiiile before you can get on top of all the chores. But we're gonna get everything done. Don't know when exactly but surely before we go on another vacation.


ashrage said...

December pa naman next vacation so kaya yan! :) Hehe, sama ng tingin ni Ziv sa cake (or sa candles ba?). Miss you!

Kat said...

Sa candles. Hehe. Nalungkot nga yan nung niblow ni Reden candles. Nasa FB ang pic. Hehe. Miss you too ninang! See you in December!