Tuesday, September 27, 2011

playground adventures

When Ziv and I went on our usual afternoon walk yesterday, there were a couple of kids at the playground. Ziv looked at them with excitement, as if he wanted to get down and play. Since it looked like he was enjoying watching the kids, I decided to sit on the bench and stay there for a while.
My son, watching the kids play
Ziv was bright-eyed and had a sweet smile plastered on his cute face, sometimes with his tongue stuck out. He was on my lap, busy with either tapping the armrest, my hands or doing his dance, which basically involved bouncing energetically with his arms out. I can tell he was amused and happy. I sure was.

I can't help imagining Ziv a toddler running around the playground, making me chase him or asking me to help him up the monkey bars or push the swing for him. I thought, how fun that could be. I'm really excited for him to grow up so we can do all sorts of things. Reden and I are already lining up a bunch of activities for him, such as a tropical vacation at the beach, a visit to the Singapore Zoo and Night Safari as well as a trip to Disney. Oh yes, his dad and I love to conjure plans like that.
Completely mine for now
Yet, I'm still quite content with Ziv's complete dependence on me. I love being able to carry him and hug him and shower him with kisses whenever I want. Akin ka muna, anak.

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