Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I haven't been blogging much, which means I'm busy with real life. To my (and maybe my husband's) surprise, I haven't been bored and have been enjoying my housewife status so much. Would've been ideal if I were taking care of a little one but so far, it's still just the two of us. But I'm not complaining. 

I'm busying myself with things I wouldn't be able to do much of once I'm back in the workforce. I clean, do the laundry, surf the Internet, watch TV till my eyes tire, play Wii, read my magazines, shop for groceries and cook! I've been fitness walking too, and that plus a healthier eating habit have helped me shed a couple of kilos and a few inches off my ample waist - as ordered by the dietitian. Yes, I've sought the help of a pro because I just couldn't do it by myself. 

I've sent several job applications already but so far, no one has responded. I know someone will take notice of my credentials and deem them and me fit for their company. For now I'll laze around some more and continue my pursuit for domestic goddess-ness. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

how ah?

Just came from an interview for a job I'm not 100 percent sure I like. I didn't apply for this one. An agency called me up and I said heck, there's nothing wrong in trying. But as I learned more about the job and the company, I realize it's not for me.

Searched for jobs and managed to send out one application. I've already sent out three or four to marketing agencies but so far, no one has called. It's alright. I've done this before. I know the drill.

Then I checked out LinkedIn and browsed through my contacts. Clicked two people I think are successful in their careers (both are editors for reputable publishing companies). I start to wonder what makes them different from me. They're smart but unlike me, didn't graduate with honors from the state university. Yet why are they where they are and I'm a housewife? What is it they've got/done or they're doing that have made them "successful" in their careers?

Is it because I don't want a successful career in the first place? Because to be honest, I'm enjoying being a housewife. Cooking, doing the laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping - all that. I guess if we can afford it to remain this way, it would. I don't care about titles. But I think what I wish I had is satisfaction in doing the thing I'm paid to do, whether it's writing or editing or whatever, which brings me to another thing I wish I had: clarity in what I really want and would love to do.

I'm lost.

I'm such a mess by the world's standards. 

I miss mom.