Monday, September 19, 2011


I'm already pondering about baby-proofing our home because I know it's only a matter of weeks before littly Zivvy starts crawling. I don't know much about the subject because back in the day, when I was helping care for my then baby brothers, baby-proofing meant keeping a close eye on their movements. They weren't left alone except when they're in the playpen. But babies could only stay content in an enclosed area for so long. 
I am not even considering getting a playpen for Ziv. We don't have the space and besides, the floor is the best place a baby can test his limits and try new stunts. Thus, baby-proofing is a must. I'm doing my research now and hopefully the more information I read about the subject, I would be able to come up with a good proposal to my husband. 

For starters, we already have door stoppers, which we got for free from the hospital. But what I'm worried about are the edges and corners of the furniture. We have old-school wooden furniture and Ziv's play area is in the center of them all. We probably need electrical outlet covers too so those little fingers won't get inside the slots. We'd also need guards for the drawers and cabinets, and a gate for the kitchen. 

Hmmm. The list is getting longer!

Can I just have another adult in the house?

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