Tuesday, September 20, 2011

more breast milk please

I was contemplating on stopping pumping and just give Ziv formula for a while. I'm getting tired of having to insert pumping sessions into our already hectic days and I wanted to reclaim a even just a few minutes of time for myself. 

In the course of my Internet surfing though, I came across this and it made me change my mind. As of now, I've decided to continue pumping so Ziv can benefit from all the wonderful stuff breast milk is made of. Actually, my breast milk has protected him from the cold, which I've already caught twice! At both instances, I made sure to feed him freshly pumped breast milk so he'll get the antibodies. 

It feels good to know that something that comes from me makes my child healthy. Makes being attached to the pump 30 minutes, thrice a day worthwhile. :)

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