Friday, September 30, 2011

best decisions ever

Yesterday, I stumbled upon this blog post and was inspired to think of my answers to the question the writer posed at the end: what are the 5 best decisions you've made in your adult life so far?

As I lay in bed last night, I pondered the question. It didn't take me a long time to come up with the five best decisions I've made in my adult life so far.

1. Asking Reden out for a date -- If I didn't have the guts to ask Mr. Mateo out on a date (via wrongly sent text message), we would just be office buddies. Maybe we'd still be friends and communicating via Facebook but I wouldn't trade being married to him for that. Haha.

2. Seeking medical help to get pregnant -- During our marriage preparation classes, the couple who taught us advised our whole class: If within one year of trying on your own and you still don't get pregnant, seek help. They regretted not doing so themselves and ended up being too old for any medical procedure and adopting. I'm glad Reden and I were on the same boat on getting help from the doctors. Life with Ziv just feels more complete. I can't imagine not having him around.
3. Going home to take care of mommy -- I quit my job too. If I hadn't, I think I would've regretted it a whole lot. I'm glad I was able to care for her up to her final breath.

 4. Becoming a full-time mom -- Seeing my son grow up every second of every day is the most rewarding experience ever ever ever!

5. Sticking with Journalism -- I almost shifted to Economics but was too lazy to attend math classes during the summer. Turned out to be a good thing because had I pushed through with the change in course, I wouldn't have gotten close to my dearest and most trusted friends. I also wouldn't have become an editor and wouldn't have gone to work at Global Sources--where I met Reden.

Isn't it interesting how making one different decision can alter the course of an entire life?

Have a happy weekend!

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