Wednesday, September 28, 2011

making time for happiness

It's so easy to get caught up with everything that needs to be done that we often forget to stop and appreciate the little things, the tiny moments that make up our life. 

Today, one of the blogs I regularly read inspired me to come up with a happy list of my own.

10 things that make me terribly happy 
(in no particular order)

drinking a cup of coffee (leisurely)
looking at and seeing pretty things (beauty exists everywhere!)
taking photos (camera finally getting lots of mileage)
weekends with my boys (doing nothing or a lot)
my husband coming home from work (usually with food!)
ziv smiling (always melts my heart)
sunny days (love the sunshine!)
getting the laundry done (folding them's another thing)
ziv napping (which leads to next item)
quiet time for myself (Facebook! Google Reader!)

Can you come up with 10 things that make you happy today?

1 comment:

ashrage said...

We have the same number one! :) And love this pic of Ziv and Reden :)