Thursday, October 16, 2008


1: painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage
2: obsolete : malice
3: an object of envious notice or feeling <his new car made him the envy of his friends>
Source: Merriam-Webster


Envy is one of the seven deadly sins.

And I am guilty of it.

I’d like to believe I have a strong sense of self but like any other girl, there are things about me I wish were better (or smaller, hahaha). And, like any other girl, I look at other females and compare myself with them. Futile, I know, but hey, I’m a girl and sometimes, I give in to my she-go.

Please indulge me as I get to know the secrets of the girls who make me green with envy. Rawr!!!

This is just for play. Walang pain or resentment na involved dito. Besides, green is in.


Carlo & Pia's Wedding said...

wala ako masabi... kasi guilty din ako kat.

Danilova 8288 said...

hehehe. Am envious of YOU for having such loving relationships. :)

gladys pinky said...

Ayuz. Positive ang effect sa iyo ng envy kasi nakakasulat ka ng blogs, hehehe :D

Lucille Gabriel said...

"And, like any other girl, I look at other females and compare myself with them." hehe

love this 'girls i envy' series:D

Kat Zuño-Mateo said...

thanks lucille!