Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ziv's first Halloween

Ziv's first Halloween consisted mainly of a photo shoot with him wearing a monkey costume. That's it. 

Ze hubby and I didn't grow up celebrating Halloween. We knew of the holiday but when we were young, we didn't wear costumes or go trick or treating. When we were older, we never went to Halloween parties neither.

There are a couple of trick or treating events here in Singapore but I thought Ziv was too young. He doesn't even have teeth yet! Maybe when he's a toddler we'll take him to one of those so he can have fun wearing a costume of his choice and get lots of sweets (not that he'll be allowed to eat them). Maybe we'll start that tradition. 

In the meantime, photos would have to do. 

I'm glad he was such a breeze to shoot despite the heat that day. The costume, although sleeveless, was quite hot because it was made of faux fur and not designed for tropical weather. Ze hubby got it from the US on his last trip. It was on sale at eBay. We didn't want to spend a fortune on something Ziv will only wear once. 

Oh, by the way, that plush pepper-looking banana was part of his dada's costume once. Just can't remember if it was for Halloween or Christmas though.

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