Tuesday, November 1, 2011

diptych #6

Fuel for the day
Ze hubby picked up a 3-sachet pack of Starbucks Via for us to try. It did taste like brewed coffee but I think brewing is still cheaper than a 1-dollar-a-sachet Via. 

I love coffee.
I need it to start the day.

When I was pregnant with Ziv, I didn't drink coffee. I missed it so much! I would smell ze hubby's coffee in the morning and would drool. 

Well, not really. But I wanted to drink it badly.

I didn't immediately start to drink it after I gave birth, especially since Ziv was quite a fussy baby. But now I'm back to my normal coffee consumption, which is a cup once to twice a day.

Hmmm. Maybe it's time we picked up a new coffeemaker.

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