Monday, November 28, 2011

doctor doctor

All three of us saw doctors this past weekend. 

On Friday, I took Ziv to the pediatrician to have his lungs checked. He has been having runny nose and dry cough every morning but none during the day and evening and I wanted to make sure there's no underlying infection. The doctor said Ziv is okay, thank God. So I guess it's an allergic reaction or the air in our room may be getting too dry. We're considering getting a humidifier because even my nose gets too dry at night.

Then on Saturday morning, ze hubby had his annual physical check. We'd be getting the results in two weeks. We're praying he'll get a clean bill of health.

That afternoon, I went to see the dentist. I cracked one of my fillings last Wednesday evening and for a couple of days, there was a huge hole on one of my left molars. I was so stressed out by it. What if a chunk of meat or whatever went in there and caused major pain? I wanted to avoid having a root canal at ALL cost! Luckily, I didn't feel any pain. As the dentist said, my tooth has behaved well.

Seeing doctors freak me out! They're scary! As much as they exist to help us with our health issues, they are harbingers of doom too! They're the ones who tell you you have cancer and you only have so and so months to live or you need root canal or you've gained too much weight. I'm grateful for doctors but I just don't want to need to see them because that means something is not right or something may not be right. 

And don't get me started with the costs! 

I'm telling you, the only doctor I want to see right now is House.

1 comment:

Lynx said...

Same here. I don't like the need to see a doctor. The last trip I was a few months ago, and I had to go through all the blood, x-ray checks and so forth. I felt I was gonna get sick with the process.