Thursday, November 24, 2011

what makes you rich?

It's being alive, Kat, that makes you rich.

So easy to forget,
    The Universe

And no matter how you spend them, Kat, each day makes you more.

Yeah, it is so easy to forget! 

Day in, day out, we always deal with money. There's always something that we need to buy, always something we need to pay. It's so easy to forget that life isn't about money. It is about living. It's about experiences and relationships. And although money allows us to do certain things, it doesn't make us rich. 

I remember what Tito Manuel, my best friend Marge's dad and a godfather to ze hubby and me, said during that time I went on vacation with their family in Aklan. He was speaking to a relative of his we visited and he was asked (in typical Pinoy fashion) if he was already rich. I overheard what he said in reply and I never, ever forgot it. He said, "I'm rich, not with money, but with experience." 

Isn't that true and beautiful?

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