Friday, November 4, 2011

the teeth are coming!

This would be one of Ziv's last toothless grins. Today I noticed that his two lower front teeth are cutting through his gums. No wonder he woke up crying a few nights ago. Must've been due to sore gums. Luckily, Ziv isn't irritable at all. Well, at least, not more than usual. And he doesn't have fever. Just plenty of drool. He's also extra gigil with the teethers and everything he could get his mouth on.

Oh, and he has started feeding himself Gerber Graduates Puffs. He's really growing up!

1 comment:

ashrage said...

Hehehe, pareho pala kayo ni Klio, Ziv! Favorite ang Gerber Puffs! Lapit na tayo magkita uli! :)