Today is Ziv's first birthday. To celebrate it, here is ze hubby's account of the day our son was born.
We went to church the Sunday before Kat’s elective C-section. Although we had just started going to that parish, it is one place where I felt secure and comfortable amid our hectic schedule as we await the arrival of our baby.
Our doctor told us that our baby wasn’t gaining much weight inside Kat, so we had to deliver him the very day he became full term. She also said that a pediatrician will be on standby during the delivery, and cautioned us that there may be a need to bring our baby to the NICU.
Talking to our ob-gyne always made me uncomfortable. I know she cared about Kat and our baby but she can’t hide much of her panic over the situation—that is Kat’s preeclampsia and the baby’s failure to gain weight. On the bright side, scheduling the operation on the 37th week means we’ll become parents three weeks earlier than expected! I’m also glad that we are ready for any situation when our baby arrives.
After mass, we had a wonderful lunch at NEX, one of the nearer malls we frequent in the northeast. Despite the worries and excitement of finally meeting our little one soon, our meal was a celebration of a miracle about to happen. We savored that moment with Mama.
Kat’s C-section was scheduled at 7am so we checked in the evening prior. Before leaving our flat, Mama cooked one of her specialty fish dish to fill us up before we spend the night at the hospital.
As I carried our bags down the void deck, I thought, this is it! The next thing we know, we are handing over the admission slip to the nurse at the hospital.
A Pinay nurse received us, and informed us that the single-bedded room we requested wasn’t available. We can choose to upgrade to a bigger room so we can stay for the night or opt for a two-bedded room. If we chose the latter though, I was not allowed to use the other bed and would need to go home so we just went for the upgrade. For our first son, it was all worth it.
The hotel vibe of the room we stayed in made us forget that we were in a hospital. We even checked out the amenities before finally retiring for the night. I also stopped by the nurses’ station to ensure we get yummy food the next day. The nurse on duty told me they will be waking us up at 5am.
I fell asleep while reading the menu of the Subway downstairs.
Someone knocked on our door. I checked my watch. It was 5 o’clock in the morning. Our room was facing the road and I can see from the window that it was still pitch dark. I let the nurse in.
She had all the stuff she needed to prep Kat for the c-section. She instructed Kat to do her business in the toilet and take a shower if she wanted, and left.
After a few minutes the nurse came back to prep Kat. She said she would be shaving her, and would put a catheter in. Ouch! I dared not to watch as the nurse prepped Kat so I decided to take a shower. I figured I won’t have the chance later. Besides, I wanted to smell nice and clean when I welcome our baby.
All prepped and ready to go! |
Once the preparations were done, we went to the hospital floor where the operating theatre is located. I kissed Kat goodbye before they pushed her bed to the OR. I was so worried, even more than Kat, but I just knew everything is going to be alright.
I waited outside the OR. I wondered why they had several restrooms in the waiting area. I later realized they are useful if you are waiting and thinking and worrying at the same time.
I watched at least five other patients—not necessarily going to give birth—being pushed to the operating theatre just like Kat. That just made me even more anxious. People accompanying them just come and go. I waited.
My thoughts were flying when I saw a tiny bed being pushed out of the swiveling doors from the operating theatre. “Mr. Mateo?” asked the nurse. I acknowledged. The nurse congratulated me, and told me the baby is okay.
Ziv Nathaniel was one of the most beautiful, miraculous life events I have witnessed. His red, big lip was prominent. While tiny and looking fragile, I noticed he was very active. Unwashed, his hair was curly and dark. He had long legs; I know he’s going to be even taller than me!
All my worries seem to have been flushed out, and it was replaced by pure joy and excitement. I was wishing I can savor that moment with Kat. During that time, I have no idea how she was doing, but I knew she was probably still under.
I accompanied Ziv to the nursery. The nurse told me to take as much photos of Ziv as I like. I alternately used my phone and our camera to take Ziv’s photos. I’m not very good at taking photos, so I took shots at all possible angles. I know that if I have taken below-decent photos, Kat’s there to fix them!
As a first time dad, I didn’t know that it is an SOP that the nurse will count the number of body parts of the baby in front of you. It felt odd, but I am glad Ziv has all body parts intact. And he has all essential crevices. No more, no less.
It dawned on me that Ziv was so tiny when the nurse started to fit him diapers. The newborn nappies were just too big for him. Ziv weighed less than two kilos. I just can’t wait for him to start taking milk and grow bigger, just like those bigger babies in the nursery.
See how Ziv's hair was curly shortly after birth and how new born nappies were too big for him? |
A baby from the farther side of the room started to cry. Soon, it was an orchestra of babies crying. Of course, Ziv joined the fun and started to cry, too. For a small baby, he had a loud cry. With me taking more than enough photos and the nurse clearing me to go, I left Ziv in the nursery. I wanted to kiss Ziv but felt I might give him some disease or something.
I felt so proud leaving the nursery. I just wanted to share with the world that Ziv Nathaniel was born at 7:57am.
I started spreading the good news to my family and friends. I texted Papa that Ziv was born and he’s a grandpa of a Mateo. I probably texted everyone in my phone book that morning. But there was one text that I was really happy receiving—Mama was on her way to the hospital!
Here’s a bit of back story. The night before Kat’s delivery, I needed to talk Mama into going to the hospital on her own. She hesitated as she has never has ridden a taxi on her own--in her entire life. I told her Singapore taxi drivers are way better than cab drivers back home.
I was unable to convince her, but I left her the hospital address and some cash so she could take the taxi on her own. Just in case she changed her mind.
She did!
I welcomed Mama at the hospital lobby. I’m glad I finally got to see family. She expressed how happy she was that Ziv was alright. We are all thankful to God.
We went to the room. Shortly, Kat arrived, all groggy, but she is alright. I am so happy to see her. She calmly asked where our baby was and I told her that the nurses are still cleaning him up. She asked, did he cry out loud? Yes, he did! Now I realized that a loud cry is a healthy cry.
Excited, I told Kat, “our baby has curly hair, just like you!” I always wanted to be curly-haired when I was a kid. Then Ziv finally arrived in our room, all clean. I realized that he has black, shiny, straight hair after all.
First family photo |
I loved that moment seeing our baby, with Kat finally beside me.
Later, when Ziv was taken back to the nursery, the nurse asked us if we will allow feeding formula milk. I knew Kat wanted to breastfeed exclusively but the nurse told us that Ziv’s blood sugar is getting low, so we decided to feed him formula. I visited the nursery and picked milk. I chose the milk that the nurse claims to be the choice of most Filipino parents.
Kat’s milk hasn’t come in yet on Ziv’s birth date. I can feel the pressure and anxiety from her. I know she wanted to give the best nutrition to our baby, but her body chemistry probably wasn’t in sync yet. Just like Ziv being born healthy, I just know everything will be alright. We just needed to give it some time, and everything will flow well.
I then went to the business office of the hospital to register Ziv’s birth. This is an essential step in Singapore as everyone has an identity number. While I waited, I am just glad that it is so convenient that we can register the birth on site. It will be cheaper if I opted to visit the immigration office, but the convenience is all worth it. Come to think of it, Kat and Ziv needed me more now.
That evening, I brought Mama home then went back to the hospital. There was a thunderstorm that night. It was the perfect weather for sleeping, but Kat and I just couldn’t. We figured both of us were so excited! We asked if we can have Ziv in the room. The nurse brought him in the room. He was peacefully sleeping in his tiny bed. We watched him in awe, it was just magical. That moment was pure bliss, my first night with my very own family.
I love being a dad; YOUR dad, son. |