Friday, February 17, 2012

the milk bar is out of business

You served us well dear pump
Today, I put my pump back in its box. I've actually stopped pumping when we got back from Christmas vacation but it's only today, almost two months later, that I got to store it.

It's bittersweet. Weaning from breast milk. I'm happy that I have more free time on my hands now that I don't need to be attached to my pump several hours of the day. But I feel a bit sad too because Ziv no longer gets his nourishment from something that comes from me.

Pumping breast milk has given me the confidence I needed to be a mom. I didn't enjoy having to set aside time to sit down and pump, but I derived satisfaction from it. My ability to do it made me believe that I was and am capable of providing the best for Ziv. Giving my child something I worked hard at empowered me. I'm thankful I was able to do it up to Ziv's 10th month.

I don't have plans of selling my pump just yet. If baby number two comes and she won't latch like her brother, I already know what to do.


ashrage said...

Bittersweet indeed :) Congrats Kat, I'm so proud of you! One of the greatest/coolest moms I know :)

Kat said...

Thanks George!

gie said...

aww.. I'm still breastfeeding. lol:D