Wednesday, April 25, 2012

family times

My sister was here from the 7th to the 15th. I ordered asked her to come over because we needed someone to be around just in case I was called for a job interview. Ze hubby's boss from the US was in Singapore that week as well and it was not possible for him (ze hubby) to work from home and hold the fort in case I had to leave the house.

Lia and Ziv sharing burger and fries
Well, that week passed by without any interview appointments for me, which was alright. My sister, Ziv and I spent a couple of afternoons at the malls, which was fun. But unfortunately, Ziv caught a viral infection midweek. It was good sister was here to help out because ze hubby had a lot of after-office social engagements that time. My sister cooked, washed the dishes, helped me take care of Ziv and put the house back in order at day's end. Having support is wonderful.

My sister's stay here made me think of just going back home for good. I thought how fun it would be if I had family at my beck and call. Sometimes I just feel I'm spread to thinly. If I had family (and our trusty household help) around, chores could be distributed and I could have more time focusing on Ziv and ze hubby and myself.

Aside from that, I think Ziv would benefit from having a close relationship with his uncles, aunts and grandparents. Long distance is just not the same with face-to-face interactions. I know because I have lots of memories of the good times I had with my lola and lolo, aunts, uncles and cousins. I feel kinda sad that Ziv could miss out on those. It would be good for him to know that a lot of people love and care for him. It's not just mommy and daddy.

I don't know how but I'm sure ze hubby and I would make sure Ziv gets to spend time with his extended family.

Ziv napping in the family bed
After several days of colds, fever and rashes, Ziv finally got completely well towards the end of last week. While he was sick, we let him sleep beside us. We all got used to the arrangement that even now that he's okay, he's still sleeping with us. 

Co-sleeping has become the new normal for our family! I thought I wouldn't like it because I might not be able to rest well, but it has been great so far. It's comforting and sweet for all of us. We all wake up happy.

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